Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

What Is the Best Treatment for Snoring?

February 15, 2025

Frustrated woman in bed next to snoring husband

Snoring is annoying! Does your partner sometimes complain about this issue? If so, you should not lightly dismiss their concerns. Not only can snoring disrupt their quality of sleep, but it could also mean that you have a significant disorder that requires treatment. What causes snoring, and what is the best treatment for it? This blog post outlines some options for Melbourne, FL, patients.


How Does Sleep Apnea Affect Cardiovascular Health?

February 5, 2025

Older woman holding her hands over her heart

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a nighttime breathing disorder that affects millions of people. While it is commonly associated with snoring and tiredness, those symptoms really just paint part of a much bigger picture. Without treatment, OSA may have devastating consequences for your overall health, including your heart! How exactly does sleep apnea affect cardiovascular health? This blog post explains.


Can Where You Live Affect How Well You Sleep?

January 28, 2025

Woman lying awake in bed, struggling to sleep

When you were deciding where to purchase or rent your current home, you probably thought about things like its proximity to your job, the size of the dwelling, and whether the neighborhood had a reputation for being safe. You might not have thought about the quality of your nightly rest. The truth is, though, that where you live may affect how well you sleep! This blog post explains how that is the case.


Snoring and OSA: How Are They Related?

January 22, 2025

Woman covering her ears while her husband snores

Has your partner ever complained that you snore? While snoring might seem like nothing but an annoyance, it can actually be a sign of a serious sleep disorder! How exactly are snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) related, and how can you know when it is time to seek professional attention? This blog post shares some relevant information.


What Are the 3 S’s of Sleep Apnea?

January 18, 2025

Snoring woman viewed from above

When it comes to diagnosing sleep apnea, it is important to undergo an official sleep test. Even before that point, though, you may be able to get a reasonable idea of whether you have this disorder simply by looking out for the three S’s of sleep apnea; they are three of the most common symptoms that medical professionals check for when looking for indications of a sleep disorder. What exactly are they? This blog post explains.


Sleep Apnea and Memory Loss: The Surprising Connection

December 28, 2024

Forgetful older woman sitting at her desk

Everyone has memory slips once in a while, but when there is a pattern of forgetfulness, that can be very concerning! The brain is a complex structure, and many factors can contribute to memory loss, including sleep apnea! Would you like to learn more about this surprising connection? Continue reading below to discover some fascinating details.


OSA Anxiety — How Can You Cope?

December 15, 2024

Woman awake in bed in the middle of the night, experiencing anxiety

Millions of Americans suffer from occasional anxiety, but if you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), you may have an additional reason to feel anxious. This sleep disorder can make it difficult to enjoy a calm state of mind! What causes OSA anxiety, and how can you cope? This blog post provides some practical information.

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