Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

Stay Cool! How Temperatures Can Affect Sleep Apnea

March 13, 2023

Bedroom with fan set up next to bed

Summer is just around the corner! You may be looking forward to fun vacations and long days at the beach. But the hot season is not all fun and games. You should take some time to consider how warmer weather could impact your health. Specifically, it is good to be aware of how temperatures can affect sleep apnea. This blog post contains what you need to know.


Can Sleeping in a Recliner Help with Sleep Apnea?

March 5, 2023

Man leaning back in recliner, sleeping

The vast majority of people sleep in a bed. After all, there are few things as comforting as snuggling up on a cozy mattress after a long day. But did you know that sleeping in a recliner could actually be better for your health? This blog post delves into how sleeping in a recliner could reduce the severity of your obstructive sleep apnea.


Weight and Sleep Apnea: Understanding the Connection

February 23, 2023

Person stepping on scale to check their weight

You have probably heard it said that obese people are more likely to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). That is true. But have you ever wondered about the cause-and-effect aspect of their relationship? Does weight gain cause sleep apnea, or does sleep apnea cause weight gain? This blog post delves into the fascinating connection between weight and sleep apnea. It also provides guidance on how you can safeguard your health.


Can Untreated Sleep Apnea Be Fatal?

February 3, 2023

Man with heart problem, possibly due to untreated sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that causes a person to stop breathing multiple times a night. At first, it might not seem like a big deal. In fact, many people dismiss it as a mere annoyance that makes them feel tired day after day. However, it is a big deal. Untreated sleep apnea can even be fatal in some circumstances! This blog post discusses why that is the case and how you may be able to extend your life.


Does Rheumatoid Arthritis Increase Your Risk of Sleep Apnea?

January 24, 2023

Woman sitting on bed, dealing with rheumatoid arthritis pain

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a serious condition that afflicts well over a million people in the United States. Individuals with this disease have to cope with chronic joint pain and inflammation. Unfortunately, they may also struggle to get an adequate amount of high-quality sleep. In fact, research suggests that RA can increase a person’s risk of developing sleep apnea. How are these conditions connected? Read on below to find out.


Sleep Apnea Treatment Could Help You Live Longer!

January 23, 2023

Healthy senior couple hiking outside

The average life expectancy in the U.S. is slightly over 77 years of age. However, millions of people live far beyond that marker, enjoying a happy and productive life well into their 80s or beyond. What can you do to be in that group? For one thing, it is critical that you get an adequate amount of high-quality sleep. Read on below to learn how disordered breathing at night could shorten your life expectancy and how sleep apnea treatment could help you live longer.


Is Drooling a Sign of Sleep Apnea?

January 20, 2023

Man sleeping with mouth open, drooling

Have you ever woken up to find a wet spot on your pillow near your mouth? Or have you woken up with chapped, sore lips, especially at the corners of your mouth? It is possible that you were drooling while you were asleep. This issue can be a little embarrassing, but in some cases, it indicates a much bigger problem. Is drooling a sign of sleep apnea? Read on below to discover the answer.

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