Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

Sleeping with Your Pets: Pros and Cons

June 7, 2021

Woman with dog, suffering from negative relationship between pets and sleep apnea

A survey conducted by the American Veterinary Medical Association found that roughly one-third of homes in the U.S. have a dog, while about one in four have a cat. Clearly, our culture places a high value on our four-legged friends. Many people even allow their pet in their bedroom at night, and it is common for them to share a bed. If you choose to sleep with your cat or dog, you should be aware of how their presence might be affecting the quantity and quality of your rest. In this blog post, we will touch on some advantages of sleeping with your pet, as well as the possible negative relationship between pets and sleep apnea in Melbourne.


Trouble with Snoring? These Common Remedies Might Help

May 28, 2021

Partner complaining about snoring? If yes, do not dismiss the problem as a minor annoyance that may go away on its own. Taking action to stop the snoring could help your partner enjoy more restful sleep, and you could experience some significant health benefits. Let’s talk about some common snoring treatments that might be able to help alleviate symptoms.


Sleep Apnea and Drowsy Driving: What You Need to Know

May 26, 2021

Man behind the wheel, drowsy driving in Vero Beach

Each year, there are roughly 6 million car accidents in the U.S. Some are minor fender benders with no significant damage or consequences, while others result in tragedy. It is the responsibility of each individual driver to be as safe as possible while operating a vehicle. Unfortunately, many people get behind the wheel when they are tired, which presents a threat both to themselves and others sharing the road with them. Let’s talk about the dangers of drowsy driving and how sleep apnea treatment may be able to help you be as safe as possible on the road. and avoid unnecessary risk.


Feeling Tired? A Sleep Diary Can Help You Figure Out the Problem

May 23, 2021

Woman sitting on bed, using sleep diary in Vero Beach

Have you been feeling tired lately, and you can’t quite pinpoint the reason why? It would be wise to visit your doctor to discuss your symptoms; they might recommend that you undergo a sleep study. You can prepare for your appointment by keeping a sleep diary in Vero Beach for a couple of weeks. What is a sleep diary, and how can it help you and your doctor to gain insight into the quality of your rest? Let’s talk about the answers to these important questions.


Here’s Why Sleeping Pills and Sleep Apnea Don’t Mix

May 17, 2021

Woman thinking about taking sleep pills for sleep apnea in Melbourne

About 30 percent of adults report suffering from insomnia at some point in their lives, and millions of people also struggle with sleep apnea. Together, these two disorders create a “perfect storm” that makes it nearly impossible to get an adequate amount of rest. If you suffer from either of these conditions — or both — you might be tempted to use sleeping pills to fall asleep faster and perhaps even improve the quality of your sleep. However, that may not be wise. In many cases, sleeping pills can actually make sleep apnea in Melbourne worse. Let’s talk about why that is the case and what you may be able to do to sleep better without taking any medication.


Preparing for Your Sleep Study: What You Should Know

May 6, 2021

Man in pajamas, prepared for sleep test in Boca Raton

A sleep test in Boca Raton, also called a sleep study, is a noninvasive test that tracks your breathing and other vital signs throughout a night. It can reveal whether you have sleep apnea and how severe your condition is. It can be your first step on the road to once again enjoying rejuvenating rest! But in order for your test to produce accurate results, you should take a few preparatory steps beforehand.


Menopause and Sleep Apnea – How Are They Connected?

May 1, 2021

Menopause comes with a laundry list of unwelcome potential symptoms. Why? Because a woman’s body is going through some dramatic, once-in-a-lifetime hormonal changes. While some consequences of menopause, such as irregular menstruation, hot flashes, and mood changes, are well-known, there are others that do not get the attention they deserve. Most people do not know that menopause can worsen or even lead to obstructive sleep apnea. Let’s talk about the mostly unknown connection between these two conditions.

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