Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

Does Sleep Apnea Cause Panic Attacks?

February 17, 2021

Imagine this. You suddenly wake up short of breath, your heart pounding and your body trembling. You are terribly frightened and sweating. What is it? Such an experience is an example of a panic attack, which is a common occurrence in many adults. Panic attacks can be attributed to a number of different underlying issues, and recent research has even established a possible connection between them and sleep apnea. Let’s discuss these findings and then talk about a possible solution to both panic attacks and sleep apnea.


Oral Exercises to Reduce Sleep Apnea Symptoms

The most widely known and extremely effective way to combat sleep apnea is to use a CPAP machine. But, for many reasons (comfort, noise, issues when traveling) many patients are more interested in discovering a reliable CPAP alternative. A custom oral appliance from a sleep medicine expert, certain lifestyle changes, and oral exercises can all help. In this blog post, we’ll focus primarily on the latter of those three — oral exercises. Exercising the throat, tongue, and mouth can strengthen those little muscles and reduce your sleep apnea symptoms. Let’s talk about a few specific things you can do to get an effective oral workout.


The Relationship Between Tongue Tie and Sleep Apnea

February 2, 2021

It’s often said that someone is “tongue tied” when they are having difficulty articulating their words clearly and concisely. But did you know that tongue tie is a medical condition? It occurs when the lingual frenulum (the piece of tissue that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth) is too short or too thick. It restricts the tongue’s ability to move as freely as it should, making it hard to articulate what you are trying to say. Tongue tie is known primarily for its ability to cause speech impediments and breastfeeding difficulties, but it can also lead to sleep apnea. Let’s discuss the connection between these two issues.


Pros and Cons of Different Sleep Positions

January 25, 2021

Do you usually sleep on your side? Or do you prefer to sleep on your stomach or back? Maybe you like to switch up your sleeping position from time to time or even from night to night. While most people regard sleep position as being purely about personal preference, it can actually have a bearing on your health — especially if you suffer from sleep apnea in Melbourne. Let’s talk about the pros and cons of the three most popular sleeping positions.


Sleep Testing in Jupiter: Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

January 22, 2021

It is estimated that 70 million people in the United States suffer from a sleep disorder. Many of those individuals have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which can cause dozens or hundreds of pauses in breathing throughout the night. Do you suspect that you have OSA? Let’s talk about some common indications of this disorder and how sleep testing in Jupiter can help you get an official diagnosis.


Oral Appliance vs CPAP — Is One Better than the Other?

January 15, 2021

The most common treatment for sleep apnea is a CPAP machine. And while it is widely considered the best solution for treating the condition, a significant portion of those who’ve been prescribed a CPAP find it difficult to comply with the treatment. Translation: they don’t wear it nightly as they should. Many find CPAP machines to be noisy, difficult to travel with, and uncomfortable. So, is there a viable CPAP alternative? Yes! Research indicates that in many cases, a custom-fit oral appliance is as effective in treating sleep apnea as a CPAP, and often, much easier to tolerate for the long term. Let’s take a closer look at that research.


I Sleep Alone — How Can I Tell If I Have Sleep Apnea?

January 8, 2021

Man sleeping alone

Loud, chronic snoring is one of the telltale signs of sleep apnea. But what if you don’t know if you snore? You may not have a sleeping partner who can express concern about your nighttime breathing patterns — or annoyance because of all the noise you’re making. While your dog or cat would surely tell you if they could, there are other signs and symptoms of sleep apnea that may be telling you that there’s a problem. Even without a sleeping partner’s help, you should be able to make a fair guess at whether you are suffering from a sleep disorder.

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