Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

5 Common Side Effects of CPAP Therapy

September 12, 2019

CPAP therapy is the most commonly prescribed treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. There is no doubt that CPAP machines are effective at keeping patients’ airways open so they can enjoy uninterrupted sleep. However, many people find it difficult to comply with CPAP therapy because of its unpleasant side effects. Let’s discuss some of those side effects and how you may be able to find freedom from your CPAP with an alternative treatment.


Can a Sleep Diary Help Diagnose Sleep Apnea?

September 5, 2019

Tired seems to be a normal state for many people. If that is true of you, you may have even accepted that days when you feel refreshed are a rare exception to your usual routine. But that is not right! If you are always tired, you may be suffering from sleep apnea or another disorder. Once you seek diagnosis and treatment, you may be able to start enjoying your life to the full again. Let’s discuss how keeping a sleep diary can be one of the first steps toward becoming a more productive, happier person.


What if I Skip Using My CPAP for One Night?

August 30, 2019

You’ve been using CPAP therapy to treat your sleep apnea for a while now, and you’ve noticed some positive results. You sleep better, your mood has improved, and your partner doesn’t complain about your snoring anymore. However, you are tempted to stop using your CPAP for a night or two. You may want to indulge in a weekend getaway and not drag your machine along, or perhaps you just think the machine is uncomfortable and want to take a break. Will your sleep apnea return right away? What if you want to take a longer vacation from your CPAP? Let’s discuss these questions.


5 Fast and Simple Ways to Stop Snoring

August 19, 2019

Does your snoring make you the subject of family jokes? Does your significant other complain about your snoring? If the answer to either of those questions is yes, now is the time to take action. Putting an end to your snoring might be easier than you think! In this blog post, we’ll talk about a few simple, fast, and effective methods for stopping the nighttime noise. Your family members might soon have to find a different reason to tease you!


Have an Upcoming Sleep Test? Here’s What to Expect

August 12, 2019

Sleep testing in Jupiter can provide you and your doctor with invaluable information about the quality and quantity of your sleep. It can diagnose a range of disorders, including sleep apnea. Still, it’s understandable if you’re nervous about your sleep test, especially if it is taking place in a laboratory rather than in your home. Don’t worry. The test will likely be much easier than you anticipate. Here is a basic overview of what you can expect during the sleep study process:


How Your Mood Affects Your Sleep and Vice Versa

August 5, 2019

It’s common knowledge that a stressful situation can keep you awake at night. That is true whether you just had a bad day at work or you are facing on ongoing ordeal. But did you know that the sleep-emotion relationship is a two-way street? Let’s talk about this complex relationship and then discuss how sleep apnea treatment may be able to improve the quality of your shuteye and boost your emotional health.


I’m Too Loud! Can Snoring Treatment in Melbourne Help?

July 30, 2019

Has your significant other told you that you sound like a chainsaw when you’re asleep? Loud snoring is an issue that plagues countless individuals — and their bed partners — across the United States. If you are all too familiar with the embarrassment and social awkwardness that comes with loud snoring, you may wonder why you struggle with this issue. You might also be ready to seek out snoring treatment in Melbourne. Let’s discuss the causes behind snoring and how you and your partner may be able to enjoy quieter nights.

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