Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

How Your Mood Affects Your Sleep and Vice Versa

August 5, 2019

It’s common knowledge that a stressful situation can keep you awake at night. That is true whether you just had a bad day at work or you are facing on ongoing ordeal. But did you know that the sleep-emotion relationship is a two-way street? Let’s talk about this complex relationship and then discuss how sleep apnea treatment may be able to improve the quality of your shuteye and boost your emotional health.


I’m Too Loud! Can Snoring Treatment in Melbourne Help?

July 30, 2019

Has your significant other told you that you sound like a chainsaw when you’re asleep? Loud snoring is an issue that plagues countless individuals — and their bed partners — across the United States. If you are all too familiar with the embarrassment and social awkwardness that comes with loud snoring, you may wonder why you struggle with this issue. You might also be ready to seek out snoring treatment in Melbourne. Let’s discuss the causes behind snoring and how you and your partner may be able to enjoy quieter nights.


Gender’s Relationship with Sleep Cycles and Sleep Apnea

July 19, 2019

There are quite a few physiological differences between men and women. Height, weight, body composition, hormonal interactions, and more all have a strong connection to an individual’s gender. But did you know that whether you are male or female can also have a big impact on the quality of your sleep and your risk for sleep apnea in Boca Raton? Let’s take a moment to talk about this fascinating subject.


Can My Sleep Tracker Diagnose Sleep Apnea in Jupiter?

July 12, 2019

Health apps and wearable technology are useful for many things. They can count your steps and remind you to stay active; they can measure your heartrate; and they can give you a place to record data about your food and water intake. Many devices even track your sleep. But how accurate are their sleep tracking abilities? Can your device help you determine whether you have sleep apnea in Jupiter?


Healthy Sleep 101: Fight Sleep Apnea for a Better Life

July 5, 2019

How can you live the healthiest, happiest, and most productive life possible? Exercise and a balanced diet are undeniably two pillars of such a life — but there is a third pillar: sleep. Your body and mind need adequate rest in order to thrive. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why getting enough healthy sleep is so important and how you can do so, even if you struggle with a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea.

What Sleep Does for You

Here are just a few reasons why sleep is so important:

  • Sleep and your physical health. Sleep helps you to fight off infections and maintain a healthy weight. It can also reduce your risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular illness and type 2 diabetes.
  • Sleep and your mental health. Sleep plays a role in regulating the hormones that control your mood and your ability to think clearly. Not getting enough sleep can lead to depression, irritability, and a decreased ability to make rational decisions.
  • Sleep and safety. When you are well-rested, your reflexes and mental awareness operate better. Therefore, you are less likely to be involved in an accident when you are driving or engaging in other activities that carry a risk of injury.

The Keys to Healthy Sleep

There are essentially three factors that determine whether your nightly shuteye is serving you as well as it should:

  • Quantity. The average adult needs roughly 8 hours of sleep each night to minimize their risk of health complications. Teenagers tend to need more than 8 hours of sleep, while seniors may require slightly less than 8 hours.
  • Quality. Even if you get 8 hours of sleep each night, you may not derive the greatest benefits from it if its quality is lacking. Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, light pollution, and other factors can all prevent you from getting the high-quality rest you need. Obstructive sleep apnea can also be a major detriment to high-quality sleep.
  • Regularity. One good night of rest is beneficial, but you need to routinely get an adequate amount of high-quality sleep if you want to live your best life possible. Try to get yourself into the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends.

Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Sleep

If the quantity, quality, or regularity of your sleep leaves something to be desired, you may be able to make some simple adjustments on your own to resolve the issue. However, you might also need professional assistance, particularly if you suffer from sleep apnea. A qualified sleep doctor can help you diagnose your condition and design a treatment plan to stop sleep apnea from robbing you of the rest you need. In many cases, something as simple as a custom-made oral appliance is able to free individuals from sleep apnea and its symptoms.

Is your nightly shuteye benefiting your mind and body as much as it should? If not, take steps now to improve the quantity, quality, and/or regularity of your sleep.

Meet Dr. Mogell
Dr. Kenneth Mogell, a board-certified specialist in sleep medicine with over 10 years of experience treating sleep breathing disorders is the practice’s founder and primary practitioner. The practice has three South Florida locations: Melbourne, Vero Beach, and Boca Raton. To learn more about Florida Dental Sleep Disorders and Dr. Kenneth Mogell, contact our team at 844-294-7559. We accept Medicare, Tricare and most medical insurance!

Snore No More: 7 Easy Fixes for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

June 23, 2019

Snoring is an annoying problem. In many cases, however, it is more than a mere nuisance; it points to sleep apnea in Jupiter, a disorder that can have devastating consequences on a person’s overall health. Fortunately, snoring and sleep apnea are highly treatable. In fact, if your problem is mild to moderate, you may not have to do much at all in order to say goodbye to snoring and sleep apnea and hello to quieter, more restful nights. Let’s discuss some easy fixes that might help you stop snoring for good.


How Often Does Sleep Apnea Occur?

June 16, 2019

Some health issues, like diabetes or cardiovascular disease, are long-term problems that require diligent monitoring. Other conditions, such as the common cold or minor injuries, are issues that only happen every once in a while. Which category does sleep apnea fall into? Does it require regular management, or is it a problem that comes and goes? Let’s discuss this important question.

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