Despite what you may remember most mornings, people actually dream every single night—we just tend to forget it a lot of the time! Dreaming is actually a part of REM sleep or the deepest part of the sleep cycle. REM sleep is absolutely essential to getting a full night’s rest, and if you’re deprived of it, say because of sleep apnea, your health could actually be at risk. How at risk? And why is dreaming so important to your health anyway? What can you do if you’re not getting the quality of sleep you need every night? Today, we reveal why your dreams are actually important to your overall wellbeing.
Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog
The Risks of Sleep Deprivation
February 17, 2018
If you quickly Google something like “how to be healthier” or “simple health tips,” you’ll basically get all of the same advice from everywhere you look (at least from the people/sites who know what they are talking about): eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. As people become busier and more attached to devices with each passing year, it’s usually that last item that gets neglected the most. Why is sleep so essential to your health? Even more important, what can happen to you if you don’t get enough sleep? Today, I’m going to share some of the most common effects of sleep deprivation and what you can do to make sure you get enough sleep night after night. (more…)
Drunk Driving vs. Drowsy Driving: Which is Worse?
February 9, 2018
We’ve all done it at one time or another, and chances are, most of the people you know have as well. What I’m talking about is driving while drowsy. While we’ve all heard a lot about the dangers of driving while drunk, one of the most fatal driving conditions actually involves sleep deprivation. For the kinds of patients I treat every day—those with sleep apnea—driving while drowsy is just a normal part of their life. Today, I want to reveal just how dangerous this really is as well as what you can do to avoid it and keep yourself safe. (more…)
Do Severe Hot Flashes Mean That You Have Sleep Apnea?
January 22, 2018
For many premenopausal and postmenopausal women, hot flashes are just a fact of life, and unfortunately, they often cause sleep disturbances, though many women simply try to ignore them. However, in a new study recently published by The North American Menopause Society (NAMS), women who suffered from severe hot flashes were almost twice as likely to also have sleep apnea. What is the connection between the two? We discuss it today, and whether or not hot flashes mean you need to get sleep testing. (more…)
Need Snoring Treatment in Melbourne? Try These 4 At-Home Tips!
January 15, 2018
It’s a typical night in bed for you, in that you’re just staring at the ceiling as your partner snores like it’s their job. You’ve tried jabbing them with your elbow or just putting a pillow on their head, but short of smothering them, nothing seems to help long term. There has to be a way to get them to stop snoring completely, right? You can’t go through another sleepless night! Thankfully, easy, at-home snoring treatment in Melbourne is possible, so today, we’re going to share the 4 best ways to help your partner stop snoring. (more…)
Is Napping Dangerous?
January 6, 2018
For some people, the only way they’re able to get through the day without riding a wave of caffeinated beverages is by taking a nap. It seems pretty straightforward: if you’re tired in the middle of the day, a nap is a quick fix. However, according to a study recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, napping has been linked to higher mortality. So wait, does this mean that napping is actually dangerous? As with all things having to do with human health, it depends, and in today’s blog, we’re going to discuss whether or not it’s a good idea for you to be napping every day. (more…)
Why Can’t I Get Enough Sleep?
January 2, 2018
The alarm goes off, and you’d rather be listening to nails on a chalkboard right now, because at least with that, it wouldn’t signal that it’s time to get up. Once again, you made sure to go to bed at a decent hour, and once again, after sleeping through the entire night, you still wake up feeling completely exhausted.
What is the problem? No matter how much you sleep at night or how many naps you take, it just never seems to be enough. Should you be concerned? What is causing this? Today, we reveal what may be impacting your sleep quality and preventing you from getting the rest you deserve night after night. (more…)