Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

How Common is Sleep Apnea in Melbourne?

December 27, 2017

Right now, about 22 million Americans are currently suffering from sleep apnea, and while that is an extremely high number, here is another one that is a bit more shocking: over 80% of people with sleep apnea go untreated because they are either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. That means about 17.6 MILLION people currently have an uncontrolled sleep disorder! Of course, numbers this large can be somewhat hard to imagine in your head, so to bring this issue home, we’ve decided to crunch the numbers and reveal how many people likely have sleep apnea in Melbourne. Are your sleep issues due to sleep apnea? We’ll reveal your chances today. (more…)

New Discoveries About Sleep Apnea Treatment in Vero Beach

December 4, 2017

When it comes to sleep apnea treatment, for years, it has been assumed that oral appliance therapy (OAT) is only helpful for those who have mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. For those with severe sleep apnea, it has been believed that only CPAP therapy or surgery could truly address the issue. However, at Florida Dental Sleep Disorders, we’ve been able to provide successful sleep apnea treatment in Vero Beach for a wide range of patients using OAT despite the severity of their sleep apnea. In fact, we have shown that oral appliance therapy can offer fantastic results even for those with the most severe sleep apnea. Of course, you don’t have to just take our word for it—we have the numbers to back it up! (more…)

How to Stop Snoring in Melbourne

November 27, 2017

You’re lying in bed one night, just about to drift off to sleep, when you hear that sound. Your bed partner starts snoring softly, but after a few moments, it sounds like they are trying to saw through a large tree. This happens every night, and every night you have to push and poke them to make it stop. In the morning, you’re both under rested and extremely frustrated. What is causing them to snore so much? Is it something you should be concerned about? Better yet, is there a way to actually stop snoring in Melbourne? (more…)

How Does Sleep Testing in Vero Beach Actually Work?

November 17, 2017

When you go to the doctor and you’re having a problem, you know they’re likely going to perform a few different tests. If you’re feeling pain anywhere, they might have you move around a bit, or if you’re sick, they may take a swab of your saliva to test it. But, what if you are having issues with your sleep? What can they do then? If you’re having problems that could be due to sleep apnea (such a cessations in your breathing during sleep or loud chronic snoring), then your doctor may recommend that you have a sleep study done. This can be used to rule out sleep apnea or give you a proper diagnosis. How do they work? What do they measure? How can you get one? Today, we share all you need to know about sleep testing in Vero Beach. (more…)

4 Handy Sleep Tips for Restful Seniors

November 5, 2017

As we age, taking care of ourselves becomes all the more important, and that includes eating a balanced diet, remaining active, and getting enough sleep. The last item on that list can seem particularly tricky. How is sleeping different when you’re older? Doesn’t it just stay the same? As with all things, our sleep requirements change as we age, and in order to make sure you’re getting the quality rest you need every night to stay alert and focused during the day, here are a few handy sleep tips that will help you sleep like a baby at any age. (more…)

Can I Get a Sleep Appliance if I Have Dentures?

October 12, 2017

is a condition where a person experiences brief lapses in breathing while they are asleep, and it tends to occur more often in older adults. This is especially true for those who wear dentures, as a lack of teeth can cause the muscles in the mouth and throat to decrease in size, making it much easier for the airway to become blocked during the night. For patients who need treatment for their sleep apnea or are looking for a CPAP alternative in Vero Beach, oral appliance therapy offers a simple and effective solution, but can it help a patient with dentures? We shed light on this subject today. (more…)

How Sleep Apnea Treatment Could Save Your Life

October 6, 2017

Last year was marked by the passing of numerous well-known people, but two in particular caught the eyes of sleep doctors around the nation. Carrie Fisher of Star Wars fame showed symptoms of sleep apnea just a few days before her death, and earlier that same year, noted Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead right next to an unplugged CPAP machine, something that is specifically used for the treatment of sleep apnea. Both of these situations raise the question, “Can sleep apnea actually be fatal?” In most cases, people seek out treatment for sleep apnea simply because they often feel exhausted during the day, but in reality, the condition can easily turn deadly if left untreated for a long time. (more…)

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