Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

Sleep Testing Is Important for Truckers and Train Engineers

August 21, 2017

If you’re a truck driver or train engineer, there was probably a story in the news last week that caught your eye. U.S. officials recently announced that they are “abandoning plans to require sleep apnea screening for truck drivers and train engineers.” Needless to say, this has many people up in arms, and this includes many doctors who regularly treat sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a very serious disorder that affects about 20 million people each night, and for people in these professions, it can easily put them and others in serious danger every day. Today, we’re going to discuss what sleep apnea actually is, and how sleep testing could possibly save your life. (more…)

How Your Sleep Position Can Affect Your Sleep Apnea

July 7, 2017

Whether you realize it or not, you probably have a favorite sleeping position. It might be on your back, side, stomach, or even draped over a pillow. For most people, this is just a personal choice, but for those suffering from chronic sleep issues, such as sleep apnea, choosing the right sleep position could help manage the condition and allow them to finally sleep comfortably throughout the night. So the question is, which position should you sleep in if you have sleep apnea? Today, we’ll discuss how this one little thing can have such a large effect. (more…)

How to Help Your Friends Get Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment

June 10, 2017

You wake up in the morning feeling fully rested, and you couldn’t be more grateful. After years of sleepless nights and exhausted days, Dr. Kenneth Mogell was able to help you finally get the obstructive sleep apnea treatment you needed. He walked you through the process of getting a diagnosis, and then he provided you with a simple to use oral appliance that helps you sleep soundly every night. You just wish there was a way you could truly thank him for everything he’s done for you, but a card or a nice e-mail just doesn’t seem like enough.

Truthfully, if you really want to show your appreciation for our practice, the best thing you can actually do is refer your friends and family to us. It’s the biggest compliment you can give, and in actuality, you could also be helping a person who desperately needs it. (more…)

Dr. Mogell Has Been Awarded for Sleep Apnea Treatment in Jupiter!

June 7, 2017

We are proud to announce that our own Dr. Kenneth Mogell has been awarded the designation of Diplomate by the American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine for his outstanding sleep apnea treatment in Jupiter. How did he earn this award? What does this mean for his patients? Today, we’re going to answer these questions and let you know why this is such excellent news. (more…)

Are Insomnia and Sleep Apnea in Melbourne Related?

April 12, 2017

Sleep apnea and insomnia are two of the most common sleep disorders in the country, affecting about 20 million and 60 million people respectively. What is interesting, however, is that these conditions often overlap. A person who has trouble staying asleep, a very common symptom of insomnia, could easily be suffering from sleep apnea in Melbourne. If you’re having sleeping problems, such as an inability to fall or stay asleep, it’s important to know what the root cause is so you can get the appropriate treatment. The question is, how can you figure out if you have sleep apnea or insomnia? What can you do to get treatment? Dr. Kenneth Mogell, a certified sleep dentist, is going to take a little time to answer these questions and more today. (more…)

Get Some Peace and Quiet with an Anti-Snoring Device in Melbourne

March 22, 2017

After trying to resist the urge to look at the clock, you finally do, and you instantly wish you hadn’t. It reads 4:21AM, and you have to be up in just a few hours. You haven’t gotten a minute of sleep because your partner snores terribly, and it’s really causing you stress during the day. You’re tired, you can’t focus, and all you can think about is going home as soon as you get to work. Why do they snore so much? Is it just annoying, or should you actually be concerned? Today, Dr. Kenneth Mogell is going to discuss what might be causing their snoring, and how he can help you and your partner with an anti-snoring device in Melbourne. (more…)

How Can I Help My Child Stop Snoring in Melbourne?

March 11, 2017

For many parents, the sound of their child snoring is a pleasant one because it means they have finally fallen asleep. After a while, however, it can start to cause some concern, especially if it seems that they are really struggling to breathe and are tired during the day. Plus, if they share a room with siblings, this can easily affect their sleep as well. Today, Dr. Kenneth Mogell is going to discuss 3 reasons your child might be snoring, and what you can do to help them stop snoring in Melbourne. (more…)

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