Last year was marked by many beloved celebrities leaving us, and right when the world thought we had made it through, Carrie Fisher passed away on December 27th. According to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office, sleep apnea was definitely a factor in her death, contributing to cardiac arrest. Sleep apnea is a very serious disorder, and while most symptoms like snoring and exhaustion aren’t fatal, ultimately it can take someone’s life. The key to avoiding this is getting the appropriate treatment, and it all starts with recognizing the early signs of sleep apnea. (more…)
Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog
What Type of Oral Appliance is Right for My Sleep Apnea Treatment?
September 22, 2017
If you have obstructive sleep apnea, you have multiple treatment options. While CPAP therapy is still the most widely prescribed, oral appliance therapy is quickly becoming the most popular because it is simpler to use and more comfortable for patients. Oral appliances are provided by specialized doctors called sleep dentists, and today, we’re going to cover the different kinds of appliances they use for sleep apnea treatment. (more…)
Your Step By Step Guide to Getting Sleep Apnea Treatment
September 13, 2017
Dentists have been helping people get relief from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) using oral appliance therapy for years, and when patients learn about this, many assume they can just call up a dental office and pick up an appliance that day. Unfortunately, this is not quite how the process works. There are a multitude of steps a person must take in order to get an oral appliance and ensure that it is the right treatment for them. What are they? How can you start? Today, we’ll walk you through the process step by step so you can know exactly how to get sleep apnea treatment. (more…)
Is Sleep Apnea Treatment Covered by Insurance?
September 4, 2017
After talking to your doctor and having a sleep test performed, you’ve found out that you actually have obstructive sleep apnea. This is both good and bad news because your sleep has been a problem for a while now, and you’re just happy to know why, even if it means that you have a serious disorder. Now comes the matter of treatment, or more specifically, paying for it. You have insurance, but you don’t actually know if they cover sleep apnea treatment or not. Dealing with insurance companies can be a confusing process, so today, we’re going to answer a few basic questions to make it easier for you to afford the treatment you need. (more…)
How Obstructive Sleep Apnea Can Cause Weight Gain
August 28, 2017
If you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), you’re probably very aware of the impact it can have on how you feel throughout the day. Waking up in the morning is always a challenge, and it’s difficult for you to focus at work while you’re yawning all day. These effects are pretty well known, but did you know it could also be affecting your weight? It’s true! Today, we’re going to share how sleep apnea can sabotage your diet and make you pack on the pounds even if you diet and exercise regularly. (more…)
Sleep Testing Is Important for Truckers and Train Engineers
August 21, 2017
If you’re a truck driver or train engineer, there was probably a story in the news last week that caught your eye. U.S. officials recently announced that they are “abandoning plans to require sleep apnea screening for truck drivers and train engineers.” Needless to say, this has many people up in arms, and this includes many doctors who regularly treat sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a very serious disorder that affects about 20 million people each night, and for people in these professions, it can easily put them and others in serious danger every day. Today, we’re going to discuss what sleep apnea actually is, and how sleep testing could possibly save your life. (more…)
How Your Sleep Position Can Affect Your Sleep Apnea
July 7, 2017
Whether you realize it or not, you probably have a favorite sleeping position. It might be on your back, side, stomach, or even draped over a pillow. For most people, this is just a personal choice, but for those suffering from chronic sleep issues, such as sleep apnea, choosing the right sleep position could help manage the condition and allow them to finally sleep comfortably throughout the night. So the question is, which position should you sleep in if you have sleep apnea? Today, we’ll discuss how this one little thing can have such a large effect. (more…)