Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

What Should You Expect at Your Sleep Test?

June 1, 2024

Technician connecting patient to monitoring equipment for sleep test

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a dangerous disorder that should never be ignored or dismissed. If your doctor suspects that you have it, they may encourage you to undergo a sleep test. What happens during a sleep test, and what can you expect from the process? This blog post can prepare you for the road ahead.


How Can Sleep Apnea Affect Your Brain?

May 18, 2024

Sad elderly man sitting on sofa

Your brain is at the center of everything you are, everything you experience, and everything you do. It is one of the most complex and amazing objects known to modern science! However, it can also be easily harmed by a number of factors, including sleep apnea! Just how might sleep apnea affect your brain, and what can you do to protect yourself? This blog post explains some key information.


Does Sleeping in a Recliner Help with Sleep Apnea?

May 13, 2024

Man relaxing in comfy recliner

If you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), it might seem nearly impossible to get a good night’s rest. Repeated breathing disruptions can interrupt your sleep cycle, causing you to feel exhausted day after day and endangering your overall health. What can you do to reduce the impact of your condition? Seeking professional treatment is always a good idea. However, you might also benefit from some minor lifestyle changes, such as sleeping in a recliner. How might that reduce your OSA symptoms? This blog post explains.


Adjusting to Your Oral Appliance: 4 Helpful Tips

May 1, 2024

Oral appliance for sleep apnea featured against white background

You may rightly feel excited and hopeful when you first receive your oral appliance for obstructive sleep apnea. After all, this treatment could improve your health and your daily quality of life. But what if you find that it is difficult to adjust to wearing your appliance? This blog post discusses why that may happen and provides a few tips to help you get used to your treatment.


Live Alone? Look for These 5 Common Signs of Sleep Apnea

April 25, 2024

Exhausted man sleeping at his computer

Very often, snoring is mentioned as a major sign that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may be present. People are also admonished to seek medical care if their partner sees them stop breathing at night. But what if you live alone? You may not know if you snore or have pauses in breathing. Of course, you could record yourself while you sleep, but you should also look for other signs of sleep apnea, including the following:


Does It Matter How Loudly You Snore?

April 10, 2024

Woman covering her ears while her partner snores

If you snore, the situation can be embarrassing for you and bothersome for your partner. But did you know that your snoring could indicate something about your health? How loudly you snore might also provide important information about your wellness. What is the connection between snoring loudness and health? This blog post provides fascinating information.


Is It Snoring or Sleep Apnea? How to Tell the Difference

April 5, 2024

Man sleeping in bed, snoring

Snoring and sleep apnea are often mentioned together because they frequently occur in the same people. However, these conditions are not the same. In order to manage your health properly, you should understand the differences between them. This blog post provides some important information that can help you to keep a close eye on the quality of your sleep.

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