Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

6 Reasons to Consider Oral Appliance Therapy Instead of CPAP

August 1, 2023

Man sleeping peacefully in bed, wearing eye mask

Millions of Americans struggle with the daily exhaustion that is a hallmark of obstructive sleep apnea. If you are among them, you might be thinking about using a CPAP machine to find relief. But did you know that effective alternatives are available? Here are six reasons to consider oral appliance therapy instead of CPAP:


The Pros and Cons of Sleeping with Your Pet 

July 2, 2023

Man sleeping in bed with large dog

According to one estimate, more than one-third of homes in the U.S. have a dog, while close to one-fourth have a cat. Indeed, it is obvious that our culture places a very high value on our furry companions. Some people spoil their pets by letting them sleep in their bedroom; many even sleep in the same bed as their cat or dog. But have you ever wondered about the pros and cons of sleeping with your pet if you have sleep apnea? This blog post explains what you should know.


Can Children Have Sleep Apnea?

Snoring little girl on pink bed sheets

Sleep apnea is often regarded as an adult disorder, especially since it becomes more common as people enter their senior years. Still, you might wonder if all age groups are vulnerable to this disorder. Can children have sleep apnea? Yes! This blog post explains some basic information about how and why this condition can afflict young ones.


Sleep Deprivation Makes It Difficult to Suppress Unwanted Thoughts 

July 1, 2023

Woman sitting on bed, unhappy expression on her face

Virtually everyone experiences unwanted thoughts from time to time. Many people are able to quickly dismiss those thoughts and move on with their day. Some individuals, though, find it much more challenging to control their thinking. Why is that the case? It may have to do with sleep. In fact, research indicates that sleep deprivation makes it difficult to suppress unwanted thoughts. Are you curious to learn more about this connection and about how sleep apnea therapy may be able to help? Continue reading this blog post.


Keep Your Oral Appliance Clean with These 5 Easy Tips

June 13, 2023

Hand placing oral appliance into denture cleansing solution

Your oral sleep appliance can help you breathe easier at night and allow you to enjoy improved health. But if it is not kept clean, it could do more harm than good. It might accumulate unpleasant odors and even become a breeding ground for bacteria. What steps can you take to keep your oral appliance clean? Follow these easy tips:


Napping and Sleep Apnea: What You Should Know

Man reclining on sofa, taking a nap

For most people, there is nothing wrong with taking a midday nap. In fact, taking a short break to squeeze in some shuteye could actually provide some solid health benefits. But what if you have sleep apnea? Is it okay to take a nap? This blog post explains what you should know about the connection between napping and sleep apnea.


How Can Sleep Apnea Affect Your Relationships?

Unhappy couple lying back to back in bed

Humans are social creatures that thrive when they have strong, happy relationships with other people. Your connections with your friends and family are worth protecting! Unfortunately, sleep apnea can make that challenging. How exactly can sleep apnea affect your relationships, and what can you do to fight back against it? This blog post explains.

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