Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

Is Sleep Apnea on the Rise?

May 19, 2023

Tired man in bed, possibly suffering from sleep apnea

An adequate amount of high-quality sleep is one of the primary pillars of sound health. Unfortunately, countless individuals struggle to get the rest they need because they suffer from sleep apnea. Even more concerning is that cases of this condition seem to have increased in recent years. Is sleep apnea on the rise? What can you do to lower your risk? This blog post provides practical information.


Get the 411 on Celebrities and Sleep Apnea

May 14, 2023

Female celebrity posing for cameras

Do you like to keep up with news of your favorite athletes, TV personalities, and movie stars? In addition to staying informed about their latest projects and personal accomplishments, you might occasionally hear word that one is struggling with a health problem. For example, you might be aware that some famous people have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder. Are you ready for the 411 on celebrities and sleep apnea? Read this blog post.


Sleeping Pills and Sleep Apnea: What You Should Know 

May 5, 2023

Man sitting on bed, preparing to take sleeping pills

Most people suffer from an occasional inability to fall asleep, while some individuals have to cope with chronic insomnia. In addition, a number of those people also have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Together, these two problems can create conditions that make it impossible to get an adequate amount of rest.

If you suffer from OSA and insomnia, you might be tempted to try sleeping pills to help you get some shuteye. But is that wise? What is the relationship between sleeping pills and sleep apnea? Continue reading to find out.


Can CBD Be Used to Treat Sleep Apnea?

April 17, 2023

Bottle of CBD oil in front of cannabis plant

It seems like CBD is everywhere these days. Creams, oils, lotions, and even lattes that contain CBD are trending upward. Some people are even using CBD to improve the quality of their sleep. But can CBD really be used to treat sleep apnea? In this blog post, we discuss what CBD is, how it might affect your sleep, and how you can find real relief from sleep apnea.


Does Sleep Apnea Ever Go Away on Its Own?

Woman in bed, covering her eyes

Some people are eager to seek professional care as soon as they feel unwell, whereas others take a “wait and see” approach, hoping that their condition will resolve on its own. Are you in the latter category? If so, and if you are struggling with poor-quality rest, you might be wondering if sleep apnea ever goes away on its own. This blog post provides helpful information on that important topic.


Can Sleep Apnea Cause Depression?

April 16, 2023

Man sitting on sofa with sad expression on his face

Everyone feels blue from time to time, but for millions of people, feeling down is their normal state of existence. Such individuals are exhibiting symptoms of depressive disorder, which is commonly referred to as depression. This complex condition can seem to suck the color out of the world and have a big impact on a person’s quality of life, as well as their ability to accomplish everyday tasks.

If you believe you are suffering from depression, please seek appropriate mental health treatment right away. You might also benefit from sleep apnea treatment. Can sleep apnea cause depression? This blog post takes a look at the connection between these conditions.


6 Surprising Facts about Sleep Apnea

March 25, 2023

Lettering against white background asking “Did you know”

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the most common sleep disorders. It is also one of the most dangerous. Left untreated, it has the potential to increase the risk of heart problems, motor vehicle accidents, and other serious issues. To protect yourself, you should be well-informed about this condition. Here are six surprising facts about sleep apnea that can motivate you to protect yourself against it:

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