Keep Your Sleep Appliance Clean and Functional with These Easy Tips

August 31, 2024
Man in bathroom, preparing to wear his oral appliance

An oral sleep appliance can be an indispensable part of your daily routine. Not only can it help you to get enough rest, but it can also reduce your risk of numerous long-term health problems that are associated with obstructive sleep apnea. However, it can only perform well if you take good care of it. Here are some easy and simple tips for keeping your sleep appliance clean, functional, and safe:

Be Gentle When Brushing

It is a good practice to brush your appliance each time you remove it from your mouth. It is important that you are gentle while doing this; using a hard-bristled brush or applying too much pressure could cause scratches. Also, keep in mind that you should not use abrasive toothpaste on it. Mild dish soap or a denture cleanser may work well for cleaning it.

Place Your Appliance on Clean Teeth

If your teeth are not clean when you start wearing your appliance, bacteria on them could transfer to your appliance or get trapped under it. Over time, it may become discolored or start to acquire an unpleasant odor. Your mouth may also be at an increased risk of cavities and gum disease. To avoid such problems, be sure to brush your teeth thoroughly each night before placing your appliance in your mouth.

Store Your Appliance in a Safe Place

When you are not using your appliance, do not simply place it next to the sink or on your nightstand. Leaving it in the open like that could allow bacteria to accumulate on its surfaces. Be sure to rinse it and clean it after wearing it, and then put it in a small storage container.

Do Not Expose It to Heat

Some people reason that dipping their appliance in boiling water will sanitize it. That is not a good idea! Your appliance is customized to your unique mouth. Exposing it to extremely high temperatures could cause it to warp, meaning it will lose its effectiveness. You could end up spending a substantial amount of money to replace it!

Soak It Regularly

You may find it beneficial to soak your appliance once a week or so. You can do so by dissolving denture cleaning tablets in some water and then submerging your device for a few minutes. This can help to freshen it up in a way that might not be possible with brushing alone.

Caring for an oral sleep appliance is easy! Use the tips in this article to keep yours in good shape for the months and years to come.

Meet the Practice

Under the leadership of experienced sleep dentist Dr. Kenneth Mogell, our team provides custom oral appliance therapy for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea. If you have questions about the services we provide or would like tips on how to enjoy successful sleep apnea treatment, we would be pleased to speak with you. Reach out to any of our locations or call our Melbourne office at 321-265-3462.