A CPAP machine is the most commonly prescribed solution for patients who are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Unfortunately, many people find the machine difficult to tolerate, so they do not comply with their treatment. They therefore continue to suffer from sleep deprivation and the many health risks that it poses. Is there a better way to find relief from OSA? Yes! Dr. Mogell and our team proudly offer oral appliance therapy in Boca Raton a convenient and effective way to breathe easier during sleep.
How Does Oral Appliance Therapy Work?

An oral appliance is a small device that resembles a mouthguard that you would wear for sports. However, it has a very different purpose. There are a couple different types of oral appliances, but most of them are mandibular advancement devices (MADs.).
The goal of a MAD is to shift the lower jaw slightly forward. This helps to prevent tissues in the throat from collapsing during sleep, enabling your airway to stay open and allowing you to find freedom from the pauses in breathing that are the hallmark of obstructive sleep apnea. Oral appliances also work to stop patients from snoring, which is a common symptom of OSA.
Advantages of Oral Appliance Therapy

Some noteworthy advantages of oral appliance therapy include:
- The devices are custom-fit to maximize effectiveness.
- There are no hoses, wires, or tubes.
- The treatment is completely silent; there is no machine-related noise to bother you or your significant other.
- Oral appliances are small and easy to travel with. You can just slip your device in your carry-on and go!
- This therapy is completely noninvasive.
- Maintaining and caring for an oral sleep appliance is easy and inexpensive.
- Unlike a CPAP machine, an oral appliance will not dry out your sinuses or your lips.
- An oral appliance does not require you to be attached to a machine, so you can feel free to sleep in whatever position brings you the most comfort.
- Most patients find that an oral appliance is easier to use and more comfortable than a CPAP machine.
Who Could Benefit from Oral Appliance Therapy?

You might be able to benefit from oral appliance therapy if:
- You have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. Whether your case is mild, moderate, or severe, an oral appliance may be able to help.
- You snore loudly and frequently but have not been officially diagnosed with OSA.
- You wish to avoid surgery to address your condition.
- You have used a CPAP machine in the past and found it difficult to tolerate.
- You are looking for a way to manage your OSA while you make lifestyle changes that will reduce your symptoms. (For example, you might be trying to lose weight.)
How Can You Get an Oral Appliance for Sleep Apnea?

If you believe that you may have sleep apnea, you can get started on your path to relief by contacting any of our three conveniently located offices. When you schedule an appointment, we will guide you on your next steps. You may have to:
- Take our sleep apnea screener to find out whether it is likely that you have OSA.
- Visit Dr. Mogell and our team. We will take a look at your airway and use imaging equipment to assess your potential for disordered breathing.
- Schedule a sleep test so you can receive an official OSA diagnosis.
- Work with us to determine the specific type of oral appliance that will work best for your unique case.
- Visit us so we can adjust your appliance and make sure it has the perfect fit. Feel free to ask questions during your adjustment appointments so you can be well-informed during every stage of your OSA treatment journey.
Custom-Made Solutions for Each Patient

At Florida Dental Sleep disorders, Dr. Mogell doesn’t want any patient to leave our office with an appliance that feels uncomfortable or that does not fit well. Indeed, we take great care to ensure that each device is custom-fit to work well for the person using it.
To achieve that end, we will take detailed impressions of your mouth so your device can be created to suit your unique smile. We will also make sure you have the right type of device that will deliver the ideal balance of comfort and efficacy.
Is Oral Appliance Therapy Covered by Insurance?

It is estimated that more than 100 different oral sleep appliances have received FDA approval. Because this treatment is so widely accepted in the medical community, most health insurance companies will cover it as long as proper documentation channels are followed. Oral appliances are usually classified as durable medical equipment, so getting coverage for them is easy in most cases.
Our team can help you with this process so you do not miss out on any of your benefits. In fact, we are in-network with many major policies, meaning that we are in a great position to help you maximize your coverage.
Are you ready to learn more about oral appliance therapy and its many benefits? Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation.