5 Common Side Effects of CPAP Therapy
September 12, 2019
CPAP therapy is the most commonly prescribed treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. There is no doubt that CPAP machines are effective at keeping patients’ airways open so they can enjoy uninterrupted sleep. However, many people find it difficult to comply with CPAP therapy because of its unpleasant side effects. Let’s discuss some of those side effects and how you may be able to find freedom from your CPAP with an alternative treatment.
Skin Marks or Rashes
It is common for CPAP users to wake up with red marks on their face after a night of using their machine. Needless to say, those marks aren’t very attractive. In more severe instances, patients might end up with painful sores or even rashes in the places where the CPAP mask touches their face. Barrier creams or adjustments to the mask may reduce such problems.
Mouth and Nasal Dryness
A CPAP machine can easily make the mouth and nostrils feel dry, especially if there is some air leakage. Nosebleeds and dental problems may result. Heated tubing, as well as a heated humidifier, might mitigate such issues.
Difficulty Breathing Out
A CPAP machine makes it easy for you to breathe in, but the inward air pressure might make it difficult to exhale. You might adjust to the machine eventually, but in the meantime, you could suffer insomnia due to the effort it takes to breath. Tweaking the setting on the machine (starting at a lower pressure and working your way up) might also help.
Air Swallowing
A CPAP machine can cause you to swallow air, particularly if the setting on the machine is too high. Air swallowing can lead to bloating, belching, and flatulence. Changing the machine’s setting or using a sleep wedge pillow might help with such problems.
Disturbances for Your Partner
When you first got your CPAP, you were probably excited because it would help you stop snoring — and thus allow your significant other to enjoy better quality sleep. However, the CPAP machine may cause some disturbances of its own due to the noise it makes. The mask might even have a negative impact on your sex life due to its unappealing nature.
Is There an Alternative?
If your CPAP machine is causing problems for you, you may not be doomed to use it forever. It is likely that you are a candidate for an alternative sleep apnea treatment — oral appliance therapy. An oral sleep appliance gently repositions the jaw to allow for easier breathing. It is silent, small, and comfortable — basically, it is everything your CPAP isn’t. If CPAP side effects are getting you down, schedule an appointment with a dental sleep expert who offers this type of therapy. You’ll be glad you did!
Meet Dr. Mogell
Dr. Kenneth Mogell, a board-certified specialist in sleep medicine with over 10 years of experience treating sleep breathing disorders is the practice’s founder and primary practitioner. The practice has three South Florida locations: Melbourne, Vero Beach, and Boca Raton. To learn more about Florida Dental Sleep Disorders and Dr. Kenneth Mogell, contact our team at 844-294-7559. We accept Medicare, Tricare and most medical insurance!