How Sleep Apnea Can Adversely Affect Relationships
March 22, 2021
Sleep apnea in Vero Beach is a major health concern because it can heighten your risk of heart disease, weight gain, and other serious problems. But there is more. This disorder can also have a big impact on your relationships with other people. Let’s talk about how it may affect how you interact with your significant other, your coworkers, and your friends. We’ll also touch on what you can do to fight sleep apnea and enjoy happier relationships.
Sleep Apnea and Your Significant Other
Loud, frequent snoring in Vero Beach is one of the most common symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Your snoring may make it necessary for you and your partner to sleep in separate rooms. Or, if they choose not to sleep elsewhere, the quality of their sleep may suffer. When both of you are sleep deprived, tension in your relationship is more likely because a lack of rest is a major contributor to irritability and mood swings.
Additionally, OSA can rob you of physical intimacy. OSA sufferers of both genders are likely to experience decreased libido, and more than 60% of men with OSA struggle with erectile dysfunction. This may be because OSA can affect testosterone and blood oxygen levels, both of which play a role in men’s sexual health.
OSA and Friendship
Your significant other is not the only person whose relationship with you may be affected by OSA. Individuals with this disorder are at an increased risk of anxiety and depression, both of which may limit your ability to enjoy social situations with your friends. Even if you do not experience mental illness related to your OSA, you are still likely to be tired and irritable, which may move you to decline invitations to spend time with others.
OSA and Professional Relationships
OSA can slow down your reaction times, increase the risk that you will make mistakes, and adversely affect your ability to concentrate. As a result, you may find that you are less productive at work. It is also possible that you will be less communicative and less pleasant with your coworkers, which may lead to a degree of tension in the office.
What You Can Do
What can you do to fight OSA and restore happy relationships with your friends, family, and coworkers? Several different OSA treatments are available. Many people find that an oral sleep appliance, which repositions the jaw in order to facilitate easier breathing at night, is the most convenient and comfortable OSA solution. A qualified sleep expert can guide you as you explore your options for addressing your condition.
OSA may strain your relationships with others, but it doesn’t have to permanently damage them. Seeking treatment can help you to enjoy a fulfilling and happy social life!
Meet Dr. Mogell
Dr. Kenneth Mogell is a dentist and a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. He specializes in treating OSA with oral appliance therapy. If you are concerned that OSA is hurting your interpersonal relationships, Dr. Mogell and our team would be pleased to help you get on the path to better-quality rest. Contact our Vero Beach office at 772-882-6800.